Friday, July 4, 2008

Grimoire? Is That Some Kind Of Swamp?

ACTUALLY, it's a kind of book. A magickal one.

Speaking of, I bought the new Final Fantasy Tactics (and a new DS to go with it, big spender, me). It's pretty fun, but since I played the first one so damn much, it took some getting used to. Also, I got my ass kicked quite a bit, but things are coming around again and my clan has started to function somewhat as a group. A group that needs a Green Mage to survive.

Just don't talk to me about my Ranger. He's thiiiiiiiis close...

Anyways, I've also been going to the gym this week, and it's pretty fun, actually. Some people just hate exercise, but I don't see it as a chore; I see it as a challenge. Can I bench more than 100 pounds today? (Yes, you read it right. I'm a skinny guy!)

And hey, remember my Theremin? I actually whipped it out a bit last weekend.

If you really really really need to scare a cat so badly it jumps into a wall trying to escape, buy a Moog Etherwave Theremin today!

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