Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So I Suck At Blogging

Headline speaks for itself. Do you want to know what I've been up to? Well...

-Bought three books (Animal Farm, Arkham Asylum and Book of Longing)

-Saw Wall-E, Hellboy and Batman, none disappointing.

-Quit my job. Getting some sleep.

-Organized a trip to go see NIN, which occurs in two days (Hey, now you can find out where I am, non-existent curious reader!)

-Entertained cousins from both sides of family (still doing that)

I guess none of that is a good excuse to not blog, but really, and for the ad nausemeith time, NOBODY IS READING THIS.

I'm not blaming anyone, though. Most of the big posts I've planned for this thing have fallen through. We're gonna need to motivate the Captain.

That sounded dirty in a nautical sort of way.


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