Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Who is this man and why should I care?

I guess the purpose of every one of these so called "web logs" (commonly known as "wolgs") is to document something, be it political dissent in the Ukraine or one man's utter contempt for Elmer's Glue (or should that be... UDDER contempt?) Whatever the subject, whatever little facet of life someone has decided to dedicate a scant/reasonable/laughably pathetic amount of time to chronicling in painful detail... if you can think of a way to end that sentence, drop a comment, and maybe, God willing, that will actually happen.

I mean, I'm being very hopeful to believe that someone will drink enough Wild Turkey to stumble across this blog, give enough of a rat's tookus to spend eight seconds attempting to finish that sentence and have the motor skills to type it in the comment box. The fact that the (unlikely) result will be something about me being a "fagatini" is of little comfort.

Getting around to the point (?) I was making (!?), what's this blog about? The short answer is "nothing". The long answer is "not a thing". Like 99.999999999(huff)999% of blogs on the Internet, mine is about whatever I feel like writing about. It won't be earth-shaking, it won't be clever, it sure as skunk won't be relevant (God forbid). It'll just be a bunch of words placed in a certain order, with punctuation thrown in for good measure.

So if you've read this (you haven't) and if you're interested enough to come back (you aren't), be prepared for something... something... adjective-ey.



matt said...

Welcome to the pain.

Is this word verification thing there to prevent bot spam? Is that where my spam bot went? I miss him.

Cap'n Gibby said...

You miss nothing, you swine. How long did it take for more than one person to read your wolg?