Friday, August 1, 2008

Hey Hey, Get Down With The Sickness

So I woke up feeling like someone had thrown a brick through my abdomen, after a night full of nightmares and fitful sleep.

The short story is, I feel like a turd in Hell.


I saw NIN! In Winnipeg! Or, dare I say...



Anyways, it was a pretty damn good concert. The light show, better described elsewhere, was fantastic and engaging, and the setlist, while sporting some clunkers (here's looking at you, Echoplex!) was solid (and engaging!)

The opening band, an outfit called Crystal Castles (think Yeah Yeah Yeah's with more synths and less excellence) played for a mercifully short thirty minutes. I think they ran out of songs. Not much to say about them past that. Their singer might have been a twelve year old girl.

So that's NIN for you. When I'm feeling better I'll probably post about it again, with more detail and less whining about how I am sick.


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