Saturday, November 24, 2007

Fun Facts from The World of Astronomy!

Blame Super Mario Galaxy for this. Running around the universe as a pudgy Italian... it just makes me want to share. All I have to give my loyal readers (all none of you) is trivia... FROM SPACE...ACE...ace....

* Saturn would float if you placed it in water, but doing so would likely ruin the pool party.

* The Crab Nebula does not resemble either a crab nor pubic lice.

* Rotating the Earth opposite to its original direction would not cause time to reverse. It would instead fling everybody off of the planet into the cold, inhospitable void of space. YOU KILLED THEM, SUPERMAN, YOU KILLED THEM!

* If your momma took all the galaxies in the universe and ate them, she would be so fat she'd need a boomerang to put on her belt.

* The radiation from E.T's glowing finger rendered Elliot infertile.

* Yo momma so smelly yo daddy married her over the phone.

* If you multiplied regular love by the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, you'd have roughly the equivalent of a pimp's love for his ho.

* Screaming "Khaaaaaan!" at random passerby will not earn you their respect.

* The events of 2001: A Space Odyssey actually happened.

* The Earth orbits around the Sun, in case this blog broadcasts back in time to 1340 A.D


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